
My mission is to create a new paradigm of healthcare that re-defines joyfully engaged care for one’s health as the cornerstone of Self-Care.”

Lesley Johnsen, Doctor of Acupuncture

Acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture is an ancient healing art


Psych-K unlocks your subconscious mind

A patient receiving a massage

Massage releases trapped emotions

Find out how you can change your life today

“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” – Hippocrates

Our clients are our voice

“Since receiving acupuncture treatment I have noticed a general increase and balance of my internal energy. I am increasingly aware that this flow of energy assists me with decreasing my stress level and increases my ability to clarify the issues I may have brought with me to the treatment session. With this improved clarity and calm, which I gain from an acupuncture treatment, I have found that I am better able to manage my responsibilities as a parent, professional and life partner. In addition, I have an increase in physical energy that allows me to perform my general daily activities in a more effective, grounded manner.”
Holly G, 49
“I have been under acupuncture treatment with Lesley for almost a year. I first sought acupuncture treatment for cystitis. After about three treatments my symptoms of urinary urgency and frequency were completely gone. Lesley has been working with me to heighten my awareness of bladder irritants and the mind body connection in general. I have had positive unexpected results from acupuncture treatment such as a decrease in nightmares and food cravings. I went from a reluctant and skeptical acupuncture patient to true believer in the power of aligning the body through acupuncture so it can heal itself. It has proven to be an amazing adjunct to Westernized medicine.”
Kristin K, 40
“Since I began working with Lesley my life has improved dramatically. Thanks to her encouraging words, along with acupuncture, I feel much more balanced and capable of handling life’s stresses. I am calmer, less anxious, and enjoying everything so much more.”
Jennifer B, 34
“I have been in and out of acupuncture for the last few years and can tell you that Lesley is just great! She is professional, knowledgeable and truly works to help your body help itself.”
Debbie D, 41
“Thank you so much, Lesley, for the great session the other night. It totally eliminated the migraine and helped tremendously with the TMJ. I have had my nightguard adjusted and am feeling much better. I might reschedule the next appt.”
Joyce C, 50